who ; YOU what ; MISTLETOE where ; All over Sacrosanct. Due to the wonderful evolved ability of producing spores, Singlings who have ventured too close to the kissing plant may find themselves in romantic entanglements later on in the day, even once escaped from plant itself. Neither organics or inorganics are safe. when ; Next week or so. warning
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who ; Primewave and OPEN what ; Him being creeper. Also, hologram where ; Zone 15, Banks. Library of Pan-Dimensional Cultures. when ; IDK warning(s) ; TBH
who ; Knock Out and ~you~ what ; KO decided to park his fine aft in a public area for trolling purposes when ; todayish, unless otherwise specified where ; Kurzweil (Residential Zone 01) warning(s) ; tbd
who ; Knock Out & Karrie "Vandal" Norton what ; Replacing Vandal's missing eye. where ; KO's makeshift hide out. when ; pre-Halloween warning(s) ; Mentions of eye trauma, possible squick factor there.
who ; Open to everyone what ; Eric's Halloween party where ; The End of Line club when ; After dark on Oct 31st. warning(s) ; This is a group log, so ratings and warnings will vary by thread.